
What is Linux?

Linux is an open source operating system. Just like other operating system (Windows, Mac OS and Android etc.). An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resourcess associated with your desktop or laptop.

what is Shell?

A shell is user interface or an environment for accessing operating system services. Using shell we can run our command, program and shell script.

Type of shell

Linux Commands

  1. whereis - Find the path of an executable file.

  2. man <command_name> - Get information about a command.

  3. List command:
    • ls - Show all the files and folders under a specific folder/directory.
    • ls -a - Show all the file/folder including hidden files.
    • ls -al - Show all the file/folder including hidden files with detailed information.
    • ls -R - Show all the file/folder in a directory and its subdirectory recursively.
  4. pwd (Print Working Directory)
    • pwd - It’s print current working directory
  5. cd (Change Directory):
    • cd <folder_name> - Go to a specific folder/directory.
    • cd . - Go to the present directory.
    • cd .. - Go to the previous directory.
  6. cat (Concatenate or Display Files):
    • cat <file_name> - Read/display the data of a file.
    • cat > <file_name> - Create a new file.
    • cat <file1> <file2> > <file3> - Concatenate multiple files together.
    • cat <file1> | tr a-z A-Z > <file2> - Translate file1 data to uppercase and insert into file2.
  7. man (Manual):
    • man <command_name> - Get information about a command.
  8. mkdir (Make Directory)
    • mkdir <folder_name> - use to create new folder/directory
  9. touch (Create New File)
    • touch <file_name> - user to create empty new file
  10. cp (Copy Command) -
    • cp <file_name> <destination> - use to Copy a file.
    • scp command
      • scp <file_name> username@destination_host:/home/folder_addr> - it’s used to copy local to remote server
      • scp username@destination_host>:/home/folder/file_name /home/folder/file1 - it’s used to copy remote to lcoal
  11. man (use to give info about any command)

    • man <command_name> - it’s give the info about commands
  12. tr (use to translate or delete the character)

    • cat <file1> | tr a-z A-Z > <file2> - it’s traslate file1 data to upper case and insert into file2
  13. mv ( move or rename file/directory)

    • mv <source_file> <destination_file> - its move to destination file

    • mv <source_file> <new_file> - its rename the files

  14. rm (remove file)
    • rm file_name - remove files
      • -r - Recursively delete directories and their contents.
      • -f - Forcefully delete files without asking.
      • -i - Prompt before deleting each file.
      • -l - Prompt only once before deleting multiple files.
      • -v - Verbosely list the files that are being deleted.
  15. df (disk free)
    • df - used to check the capacity and storage details.
      • -m - in megabytes
      • -h - in gigabytes
  16. du (disk usage)
    • du - show the disk usage
      • -h - human readable
  17. head
    • head <file_name> - display first 10 lines.
  18. tail
    • tail <file_name> - display last 10 lines.
  19. diff
    • diff <file1> <file2> - show the different between two files
  20. locate
    • locate <file> - to find out file.
  21. find
    • find <file/folder_name> - Find a file/folder.
    • find <dir_name - find files inside directory.
    • find .-type d - Show only directory.
      • .-type f - show only files.
      • .-type f -name "*.txt" - Show only files with that specific name.
      • .-type f -iname "*.txt" - Show only files with that specific name - not case sensitive
      • .-type f -mmin -20 - Show files which modify less than 20 min ago.
      • .-type f -mmin +20 - show files which modify more than 20 min ago.
      • .-type f -maxdepth 2 - Will only show 1 folder deep.
      • .-size +1k - will only show file/folder with size of 1kb
  22. chmod (change file mode access)
    • chmod 777 <file_name> - will change file permission access
  23. chown (change owner of file/dir)
    • chown <owner_name> <file_name> - change file owner i.e - chown root file1.txt - file1.txt only access by root user
  24. grep (search the text in the file)
    • grep <text> <file_name> - search text in files
      • -w <text> <file_name> - search and show whole text
      • -n <text> <file_name> - show line number of text
      • -i <text> <file_name> - show text without case sensetive
      • -c <text> <file_name> - print the number of match found
      • -v <text> <file_name> - invert the search, so that only show the text that are not with search
    • grep -win <text> ./*.txt - search text in all .txt file that is available in current directory

Terminal Shortcut:

Networking commands