
Key-value pair

name: Krishna
1: "I'm software Engineer"


- Apple
- mango
- Banana
- banana


cities: [Bangalore, Delhi, kolkata]

--- to seperate the documentes and ... to end the documentes

String and variable

name: Krishna # variable
fruits: "apple" # String
job: 'swe' #String

Multiline String

cities: |

Single line in multiple line

message: >
    thsi will
    all be in
    one single line

specify data type

# Integer
zero: !!int 0
positiveNum: !!int 50
negativeNum: !!int -60
binaryNum: !!int 011

marks: !!float 53.44
infinity: !!float .inf
not a num: .nan
boolean: !!bool false

# Exponential number
exponent: 6.22ES56

# String
string: !!str "hi yaml"

# Null
surname: !!null Null # or null NULL ~
~: this is a null key

# Dates and time
date: !!timestamp 2002-01-02
no Time zone: 2012-12-15T02:59:43
India Time: 2012-12-15T02:59:43 +5:30

Nested Sequence

 - apple
 - mangoe
 - marks
 - roll num
 - date

Nested Mapping

name: Krishna Kumar
    age: 24
    job: swe

Reusing properties